Jamie Jo
Name: Jamie Diane Heap
Name: Jamie Diane Heap
Birthday: March 27
Born: Mesa, Arizona
Where I Call Home: Mesa, AZ
Marital Status: Happily married to my man Justin for 4 1/2 years
Children: 2 handsome boys - Gavin(3 1/2) and Hayden (7 months)
Favorite Indulgence: A really Hot bath taken by candlelight
Seaworld or Disneyland: Disneyland All the Way!
Favorite Sweet Treat: Texas Sheet Cake or Krispy Cream Donuts
Summer or Winter: Winter - but only in Arizona!
Dream Vacation Destination: Europe - Italy or Greece. There is so much history there.
Morning or Night: Definitely night - I think my mom passed that on to Maren and I.
Why I joined Scentsy: Maren turned me onto it. After she received her warmer, she suggested we buy one for our mom and once I smelled it in her home, I knew that I had to have one too. Then when Maren was talking about joining, we kind of talked oursleves into both doing it I am so happy that I did. I love the product and I have really enjoyed this journey with Scentsy.
I TAG: Chrstine and Patrick- because you're both on my team and yet I hardly know anything about you!! Please fill me in!